Dyslexia Awareness Week: Speech Recognition

Speech recognition is software which allows you to transform your spoken words into digital text on your computer. It also enables you to navigate around the computer, create and edit documents, surf the web or send an email, all through the power of your voice. A good quality noise-cancelling microphone is often used with speech recognition software to obtain the best results.

Often those with dyslexia can talk about what they want to write, but when it comes to typing out their sentence it takes much longer. Speech recognition helps with this issue as not typing or spelling skills are required, so all of the individual’s attention can be focused on thinking about the content. Speech recognition is up to 3 times faster than typing.

What software is available?

Nuance’s Dragon software is very popular amongst those with dyslexia. It comes in a number of different versions, all of which are available to purchase on Dyslexic.com.

Dragon NaturallySpeaking Premium delivers fast speech recognition to boost productivity for the user. Upon installation, the user must read out a small paragraph in order to ‘train’ the software (this takes no longer than a few minutes to set up). They can then speak into their microphone or headset and see their spoken words transformed into typed text. They can launch applications, select menu items, execute key functions, switch windows, search the web, create and send emails, and much more, all through using their voice. It gives the individual the ability to work hands-free if desired and get more of their work done faster. Dragon Premium is available as a box copy and digital download for Windows. Follow this link to find out more >> http://ian.lt/1OlqZzx

Dragon for Mac works in the same way as Dragon Premium; however it has just been upgraded to the latest version for Mac and is 15% more accurate than its previous version. Due to the leap in Apple Mac technology, Dragon for Mac can be used without a headset or external microphone if required, and can be used with the built-in Mac microphone. Dragon for Mac is available as a box copy and digital download for Mac. Follow this link to find out more >> http://ian.lt/1LyFCR4

Dragon Professional Individual is much more advanced than other versions and delivers fast speech recognition at work to boost productivity. Users can transcribe voice notes from their smartphone or Nuance approved digital voice recorder and convert this to digital text quickly, easily and accurately. Create customisations and personalisation features to shortcut repetitive tasks, for example, saying ‘insert signature’ and Dragon will fill in your contact details. Dictate industry specific terminology and Dragon will type every word correctly with the ability to import custom vocabularies. Dragon Professional Individual is available as a box copy and digital download for Windows. Follow this link to find out more >> http://ian.lt/1L8rAQw

Dragon Anywhere, which will be available this autumn on iOS and Android, is a new, cloud based mobile app that offers professional dictation to users. Create and edit documents, reports and more, using customised vocabulary, voice shortcuts and auto-text commands. The app automatically synchronises auto-text commands and custom words with Dragon for Mac or Dragon Professional Individual desktop editions for seamless productivity in the office or on the go. Dragon Anywhere will be available as a subscription based application from autumn 2015. Call us on +44 (0) 1223 420101 to find out more.

What hardware is available?

We recommend Andrea Electronics headsets and microphones to accompany your Speech Recognition software. Andrea headsets have the highest voice recognition industry rating and have noise-cancelling technology which means the accuracy of your software is greatly improved. If you would like to find out more about Andrea Electronics products, please follow this link >> http://ian.lt/1JUBiUW

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